Return Policy

  1. If you have changed your mind about the Goods or found the Goods at a lower price elsewhere, we may agree to accept a return of the Goods and offer you a replacement, exchange, or refund you the price (less the delivery costs, if any), provided that:
    1. the Goods are returned within 14 days of the date of delivery or collection, as the case may be; and
    2. the Goods are returned in the same condition as you received them, unused, in the original sealed packaging (if applicable), with all tags attached; and
    3. you provide a valid original invoice for the order; and
    4. the Goods are not subject to the exclusions listed in clause 2 below.
  2. The following Goods are not eligible for a refund or exchange:
    1. Gift Cards;
    2. Special order goods which have been specifically ordered for you and are not part of our normal range of goods;
    3. Respiratory protection goods, for hygiene and quality reasons.
  3. If we agree to refund you the Price, or any part of the Price, for any Goods returned or provide a credit, it may take up to 14 working days for the refund or credit to be issued.
  4. Any delivery costs of returning Goods to us must be paid by you.
  5. If we agree to replace or exchange Goods, the delivery costs (if any) of the replacement/exchange Goods must be paid by you.
  6. 20% Restocking Fee may apply depending on case.